Written 01/12/11
I came across this article (can no longer work after 3 pm, it seems) that talks about a Palestinian child who was injured and is now paralyzed as a result of an Israeli air strike on Islamic Jihad in her neighborhood. It is a tragic, albeit, ineluctable circumstance of war. The reason i found this article interesting is because, after much deliberation, Israel has decided to allow her to remain in Israel proper with her family instead of sending her back to Gaza, which is what seemed would happen over the past few months. the reason that it is imperative that she stay in Israel is because Israel is completely footing the bill for her medical care, and is paying rent on a Jerusalem apartment for her father and brother. To this, certain groups have the following to say:
Physicians for Human Rights, which advocated for her in Israeli courts, welcomed the decision but said there are hundreds of other Palestinians injured in Israeli military actions who claim compensation and want access to medical treatment.
I would challenge these motherfuckers to name one country that would provide medical care and housing in their own capital city, free of charge, to an innocent civilian injured during a war. I wouldnt be surprised if you couldnt find one case similar to this one.
Consider this. What if an israeli was injured and that israeli was taken in by the Hamas? Do you think that the Israeli would be provided for, or do you think he would be held hostage, tortured, isolated Dnd eventually be decapitated in a propoganda video and his body mutilated?
This is yet another disturbing example of the double standard that exists when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel goes above and beyond, yet she is set upon for not doing enough.
That would be like chastising a shoplifter at safeway while Jared Loughner is shooting up the parking lot. It's when people allow themselves to remain ignorant to these situations that Israel is villified on a world stage. it is unheard of for a warring entity to provide this kind of care for a victim of war - innocent or not. what Israel did today exemplifies her humanity and commitment to peace, but all anyone reads into it is that "oh, it's not enough. Israel should take every injured Palestinian into its hospitals"
Hey, wait - if the Palestinians were there before the Jews, where the fuck are their hospitals? They had 5,000 years to build one and couldn't?
Now, why was this girl injured to begin with?
Islamic Jihad was using a platform near her home to launch missle attacks into israel. The IDF alerted residents that their neighborhood was now a war zone, and the IDF would have to neutralize terrorist activity in the area. the IDF warned residents to flee for their safety. Israel did not choose the location or circumstances of the conflict, but she will be damned if she is going to allow her citizens to be attacked and terrorized because islamic militants choose to use a residential area as a launchpad for attacks. well, anyways, the IDF warned reisdents in arabic, hebrew and english to get out of dodge until the conflict was over. According to Palestinian testimony, whenever residents tried to flee, Islamic gunmen would force them back into their homes hoping that their presence would dissuade the IDF from taking action. Again, this is a state that has to either win the war, or disappear. It's not like if Egypt or Syria or Lebanon loses a war and they lose everything they put on the table and cease to exist. The war against Israel is a war for her existence, as her enemy has sworn in their charter that they will not rest until every "Jew is driven into the sea".
Israel is fighting a war of circumstances now, and they are not on her terms, rather those of the type who have launched over two attacks per day into israel since the start of 2011. Things have gotten so extreme in fact, that the Egyptians and others in the Arab League have warned Hamas to scale things back due to concerns that eventually the Israelis are going to have to respond to these attacks. This kind of behavior reminds me of a little cousin who keeps on picking fights with the big cousin, gets his ass kicked, goes home, cries to mommy, mommy yells at big cousin, little cousin starts instigating agani a week later. It's juvenile behavior. You would never expect anyone not to defend their interests, be it a big cousin, a single Jew or the nation of Israel. Just so happens that in this case, the stakes are a bit higher on both sides.
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