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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Apples and Oranges

I read something interesting today. I'm not sure whether or not you're all aware, but, this November, long-haired, dirty, jobless hippies all over California will finally have the opportunity to vote to legalize pot. Not medicinal pot, not decriminalize pot, but legalize pot.
Now, this is clearly a loaded issue, and before I go any further, allow me to clarify where I stand in relation to it.

I think that, seeing as how we, as Americans keep on fighting for it, should be free to do whatever we want as long as it does not infringe on somebody else's right to live as they please. This is why it is OK for those inbred fuckers at the Westboro Baptist Church to spit their hatred in our general direction, but have to go to the supreme court if they want to do it at private funerals (you'll probably be seeing my thoughts on these dickheads shortly). If someone wants to roll a joint and watch Tiny Toons while enjoying a bowl of Cookie Crisp, that should be nobody's business but their own. There are dozens of arguments that I could bring to support this measure, but I'm already far enough off topic as is.
Well, anyways, back to this article that I supposedly read. It says that the legalization of marijuana in California would in no way affect the bottom line of the Mexican drug cartels. This theory was the result of a study by the RAND drug policy research center.
This sounds pretty weird, doesn't it? I mean, if people are no longer buying their weed from criminals, then, shouldn't that show in red on their income statements? Of course, this assumes that Mexicans are capable of bookkeeping, which I refuse to believe. I don't even think they're that good at beekeeping. So, what we have now is an irregularity. One of the biggest "pros" in the marijuana debate is taking the money out of the hands of criminals. However, it is now clear that that's not what's going to happen. But, why? Well, try this on for size: Californians grow their own pot. Despite the fact that they consume about 14% of the nations pot, the California market represents only 3% of the Mexican cartel revenue.
Why do I take issue with this? It has nothing to do with pot. This has more to do with the appalling amount of money that the government throws into bullshit studies when we have real fucking problems to deal with in this country. This is like spending $4,500.00 on a cheese tasting trip to Italy when everybody knows that you're lactose intolerant. Californians smoke domestic pot. Of course it's not going to affect the international drug trade. Can somebody please explain to me why we keep wasting our time with crap like this?

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